মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Breakfast for Toddler Means Special Mom Time with Beech-Nut ...

Special Mom Time

Breakfast for Toddler is Special Mom Time

Considering I am done having babies, I savor every moment with my youngest. She is about to turn 3 in a few weeks and is my sidekick almost every day. When she wakes up we lay in bed and cuddle for a few minutes until she is ready to get up. Most days she is ready for food as soon as she rolls out of bed. Together we walk down the stairs to the kitchen and grab a bite to eat. This daily ritual is ours and I love sharing it with her. Breakfast with my toddler also means special Mom time. We sit at the table and ?talk? over our meals. Learning new words, colors, letters, numbers and more. Every morning is a new discovery.

breakfast for toddler

Recently we have discovered that new textures and tastes can be overwhelming for our little Monkey. She will eat one kind of meat cooked one way and not another. She does not like jello but likes pudding. The textures of food for her have become in the forefront of our food choices for her? along with nutrition and taste of course. For instance, she loves oatmeal. But, we were interested to see how well she would like Beech-Nut Homestyle Oatmeal with Apples and Cinnamon. By introducing diced apples into the whole grain oats we already knew she enjoyed we were curious to see her reaction.

Special Mom Time

My husband and I buckled in Monkey after dropping off our new 1st and 3rd graders and headed out to Walmart. We knew we wanted to pick up some new Beech-Nut?products for her and a few things for dinner for us that we forgot over the weekend. Surprisingly the store was not packed and we were able to look through all of the toddler and baby foods without distraction. We did, though, offer Monkey some sippy cups to keep her distracted while we browsed the various foods. We were able to quickly grab what we needed in the baby area, a fast run through the grocery area for a handful of items, and then to the check out. In fact, you can find more pictures from our shopping trip in my?Beech-Nut Baby Food album on Google+.?We were hungry and ready to get home to have breakfast!

Beechnut Homestyle Oatmeal

Once home Monkey wanted her food! She pulled off her shoes and dress, grabbed a spoon, and sat down to eat. I quickly warmed up the Oatmeal and sat it in front of her as she climbed up to the table. After blowing it off a little, her first apple bite caught her a bit off guard and she spit the apple out. But, after explaining what it was and asking her to try again she actually liked it. A few bites more and she noticed a some other Goodies near by and went to try them as well.

Beech-Nut Baby Food

Seal of Approval

Monkey loves her fruits. She will grab grapes and cherries out of the?refrigerator?and eat them all day if she could. So, we thought she would also enjoy the Strawberry Fruit Nibbles Goodies from Beech-Nut. Since she has always loved strawberries and we know she likes the texture of the snack we knew they would be a hit. With each bite she would simply say, ?Mmmmmm.? I believe that was her seal of approval on the Goodies. We had to put those far out of sight or she would have finished that box in one day.?We typically purchase the generic fruit snacks but I noticed that the Goodies were not as sticky, had more nutritional value, and Monkey ate them better than the others. I guess I never noticed them before but am glad we know where to find them now.

Fruities On-the-Go

Plus, not only did she find the fruit nibbles, but she also noticed the Peach, Apple, and Banana Puree Fruities. Since she is used to eating applesauce from similar packets, she knew just what to do with it. I helped her open the Fruities On-the-Go and then she wasted no time sucking it down. Monkey may have liked the cool texture and great taste? but Mom liked that it included a full serving of fruit. Perfect for those days when she does not feel like a fruit snack from the fridge or cannot carry them with us on errands. I have a feeling we have found some new favorites to keep her little tummy full.

Peach, Apple, and Banana Puree

Overall I think she enjoyed her special breakfast time with mom? and dad this particular morning. I love being able to just spend those precious moments with her each morning before she grows too old to have time to sit with mom anymore. She is my baby and will always be. I am grateful that Beech-Nut offers essential nutrition for children her age and we can sit and eat a healthy breakfast together.

Find out more about these new products and more by liking Beech-Nut on Facebook.

Disclosure: ?I am a member of the Collective Bias? Social Fabric? Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias?. #CBias #SocialFabric

Source: http://7onashoestring.com/2012/08/breakfast-for-toddler-means-special-mom-time-with-beechnut-baby-food.html

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